Narcissistic Behavioral Therapy


Are you feeling trapped in a

tumultuous relationship

marked by manipulation,

control, and emotional turmoil?

You're not alone.

We understand the profound impact of

narcissistic relationships

and the challenges they present.

If you find yourself struggling to navigate the complexities of a relationship with a narcissistic partner, parent, sibling, friend, or in your professional environment, here are some common signs that may indicate you are in a narcissistic relationship:


  • Manipulation and Gaslighting: You often feel confused, doubt your own perceptions, and second-guess your thoughts and feelings. Your partner may twist the truth, deny their behavior, or blame you for problems in the relationship.
  • Lack of Empathy: Your partner consistently shows a lack of empathy for your feelings and needs. They may dismiss your emotions, belittle your experiences, or minimize your concerns.
  • Grandiosity and Entitlement: Your partner displays a sense of superiority, believes they are always right, and expects special treatment. They may demand admiration and become upset if they don't receive constant praise and attention.
  • Control and Domination: Your partner seeks to control every aspect of your life, from your appearance and behavior to your finances and social interactions. They may use tactics such as isolation, threats, or manipulation to maintain power and control.
  • Exploitation: Your partner exploits others for their own gain, whether it's through emotional manipulation, financial abuse, or taking advantage of your resources and support without reciprocation.

  • Lack of Boundaries: Your partner disregards your boundaries and personal space, invading your privacy, making decisions without your input, and expecting you to cater to their needs at all times.

  • Cycles of Idealization and Devaluation: Your relationship may go through cycles where your partner idolizes you one moment and devalues or criticizes you the next. This rollercoaster of emotions can leave you feeling insecure and constantly seeking their approval.

  • Emotional and Psychological Abuse: Your partner engages in behaviors that cause you emotional harm, such as verbal insults, threats, intimidation, or manipulation. Over time, this can erode your self-esteem and sense of worth.


It's important to remember that every relationship is complex, and one or two of these signs alone may not necessarily indicate narcissistic abuse. However, if you recognize several of these patterns consistently in your relationship, it may be a sign that you are in a narcissistic relationship.


If you're unsure about your relationship or need support, consider reaching out to a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance, validation, and strategies for coping with narcissistic abuse. You deserve to be in a healthy and nurturing relationship where your needs are valued and respected.

Session Details

One-on-One Sessions

Standard Therapy :  60 mins

Extended Therapy : 75 mins

Deep Healing:           90 mins

Intensive :                  2 hours

These sessions provide deep, individualized support

       to address your specific needs.  

Book a consultation to discuss further details.

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